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  Petr Schauer

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Počet citací článků publikovaných v časopisech: 874
Počet citací článků publikovaných ve sbornících: 74
Počet citací, které neuvádějí přesný zdroj mých prací: 22


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Autrata R., Schauer P.: Scintilátory pro rastrovací elektronový mikroskop. Slaboproudý obzor 38 (1977), p.511. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Bok, J: Cathodoluminescence mechanism of YAG:Ce single crystals (Mechanismus katodoluminisce monokrystalu YAG:Ce). PhD Thesis, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic (2014).

Autrata R., Schauer P., Kvapil Jos., Kvapil Ji.: A single crystal of YAG:Ce - new fast scintillator in SEM. J. Phys E: Sci. Instrum. 11 (1978), p.707. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
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  52. Nijdam, TJ; Jeurgens, LPH; Sloof, WG: Promoting exclusive alpha-Al2O3 growth upon high-temperature oxidation of NiCrAl alloys: experiment versus model predictions. Acta Mater. 53 6 (2005), p.1643-1653.
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  54. Kwakernaak, C; Sloof, WG; Nijdam, TJ: Microstructure refinement of NiCoCrAlY alloys by laser surface melting. Metall. Mater. Trans. A-Phys. Metall. Mater. Sci. 37A 3 (2006), p.695-703.
  55. Nijdam, TJ; Kwakernaak, C; Sloof, WG: The effects of alloy microstructure refinement on the short-term thermal oxidation of NiCoCrAlY alloys. Metall. Mater. Trans. A-Phys. Metall. Mater. Sci. 37A 3 (2006), p.683-693.
  56. Nijdam, TJ; van der Pers, NM; Sloof, WG: Oxide phase development upon high temperature oxidation of gamma-NiCrAl alloys. Mater. Corros. 57 3 (2006), p.269-275.
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  58. Schauer, P: Extended algorithm for simulation of light transport in single crystal scintillation detectors for S(T)EM. Scanning 29 6 (2007), p.249-253.
  59. Wandrol, P; Horak, P: Problems of the YAP:Ce Scintillator Use in Detectors of Signal Electrons in SEM. Proc. Microscopy Conference 2007 - 33rd Conference, International Forum for Advanced Microscopy, Saarbrucken, Germany (2007), p.84-85.
  60. Nikl, M; Mihokova, E; Pejchal, J; Laguta, VV; Babin, V; Nejezchleb, K; Yoshikawa, A; Ogino, H: Optimisation of Scintillation Performance Pr-doped Garnet Single Crystals. Hasylab Activity Report (2007), p.725-726.
  61. Nikl, M; Vedda, A; Fasoli, M; Fontana, I; Laguta, VV; Mihokova, E; Pejchal, J; Rosa, J; Nejezchleb, K: Shallow traps and radiative recombination processes in Lu3Al5O12 : Ce single crystal scintillator. Phys. Rev. B 76 19 (2007), p.A.No 195121.
  62. Vandendael, I; Sloof, WG; Steenhaut, O; Hubin, A; Vereecken, J: Quantitative determination of the composition of nitrided layers on iron using AES. Surf. Interface Anal. 39 6 (2007), p.519-527.
  63. Nikl, M; Vedda, A; Laguta, VV: Energy transfer and storage processes in scintillators: The role and nature of defects. Radiat. Meas., Spec. 42 4-5/ (2007), p.509-514.
  64. Nikl, M; Laguta, VV; Vedda, A: Energy transfer and charge carrier capture processes in wide-band-gap scintillators. Phys. Status Solidi A-Appl. Mat. 204 3 (2007), p.683-689.
  65. Nikl, M; Mihokova, E; Pejchal, J; Laguta, VV; Babin, V; Nejezchleb, K; Yoshikawa, A; Ogino, H: Optimisation of Scintillation Performance Pr-doped Garnet Single Crystals. Hasylab Activity Report, http://hasyweb.desy.de/science/annual\_reports/2007\_report/part1/auth\_idx/titles/n/2472.html (2007), p.725-726.
  66. Pawley, JB: LVSEM for Biology. in: Biological Low-Voltage Scanning Electron Microscopy, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2008 Chapter 2 (2008), p.27-106.
  67. Niidam, TJ; van der Pers, NM; Sloof, WG: High temperature oxidation of gamma-NiCrAl modelling and experiments. Novel Approaches To Improving High Temperature Corrosion Resistance: (efc 47); European Federation of Corrosion Publications 47 (2008), p.582-598.
  68. Wandrol, P; Matejkova, J; Rek, A: High resolution Imaging by means of backscattered electrons in the scanning electron microscope. Materials Structure & Micromechanics Of Fracture V; MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM 567-568 (2008), p.313-316.
  69. Nijdam, TJ; Sloof, WG: Microstructural evolution of a MCrAlY coating upon isothermal annealing. Mater. Charact. 59 12 (2008), p.1697-1704.
  70. Nikl, M; Laguta, VV; Vedda, A: Complex oxide scintillators: Material defects and scintillation performance. Phys. Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Phys. 245 9 (2008), p.1701-1722.
  71. Fasoli, M; Fontana, I; Moretti, F; Vedda, A; Nikl, M; Mihokova, E; Zorenko, YV; Gorbenko, VI: Shallow traps in YAlO3 : Ce single crystal perovskites. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., Part. 55/P 3 (2008), p.1114-1117.
  72. Ogino, T; Yoshikawa, A; Nikl, M: Improvement of the Scintillation Properties of the Single Crystalline Scintillator by the Control of the Defect Related Trap Level Through Chemical Substitution. The Japanese Assooiation for Crystal Growth (JACG), Special Issue: Oxide Crystal Growth and Applications to Scintillator (Japanese) 2 35 (2008), p.81-88.
  73. Nikl, M; Mihokova, E; Pejchal, J; Vedda, A; Fasoli, M; Fontana, I; Laguta, VV; Babin, V; Nejezchleb, K; Yoshikawa, A; Ogino, H; Ren, G: Scintillator materials - Achievements, opportunities, and puzzles. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., Part. 55/P 3 (2008), p.1035-1041.
  74. Nijdam, TJ; Sloof, WG: Effect of Y distribution on the oxidation kinetics of NiCoCrAlY bond coat alloys. Oxid. Met. 69 1-2 (2008), p.1-12.
  75. Ogino, H; Yoshikawa, A; Nikl, M; Kucerkova, R; Shimoyama, J; Kishio, K: Suppression of defect related host luminescence in LuAG single crystals. 2008 International Conference On Luminescence And Optical Spectroscopy Of Condensed Matter; Physics Procedia 2 2 (2009), p.191-205.
  76. Chewpraditkul, W; Swiderski, L; Moszynski, M; Szczesniak, T; Syntfeld-Kazuch, A; Wanarak, C; Limsuwan, P: Comparative studies of Lu3Al5O12:Ce and Y3Al5O12:Ce scintillators for gamma-ray detection. Phys. Status Solidi A-Appl. Mat. 206 11 (2009), p.2599-2605.
  77. Yang, XB; Li, HJ; Bi, QY; Su, LB; Xu, J: Growth of large-sized Ce:Y3Al5O12 (Ce:YAG) scintillation crystal by the temperature gradient technique (TGT). J. Cryst. Growth 311 14 (2009), p.3692-3696.
  78. Chewpraditkul, W; Swiderski, L; Moszynski, M; Szczesniak, T; Syntfeld-Kazuch, A; Wanarak, C; Limsuwan, P: Scintillation Properties of LuAG:Ce, YAG:Ce and LYSO:Ce Crystals for Gamma-Ray Detection. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., Part. 56/P 6 (2009), p.3800-3805.
  79. Prusa, P; Nikl, M; Mares, JA; Kucera, M; Nitsch, K; Beitlerova, A: The alpha-particle excited scintillation response of YAG:Ce thin films grown by liquid phase epitaxy. Phys. Status Solidi A-Appl. Mat. 206 7 (2009), p.1494-1500.
  80. Mihokova, E; Nikl, M; Bacci, M; Dusek, M; Petricek, V: Assignment of 4f-5d absorption bands in Ce-doped RAlO3 (R=La, Gd, Y, Lu) perovskites. Phys. Rev. B 79 19 (2009), p.A.No 195130.
  81. Nikl, M: Lu3Al5O12: A Versatile Host for Single Crystal Scintillators. 216th ECS Meeting, The Electrochemical Society: Ceramics, glasses, lasers, and scintillators 44 (2009), p.3234-3234.
  82. Zorenko, Y; Mares, JA; Kucerkova, R; Gorbenko, V; Savchyn, V; Voznyak, T; Nikl, M; Beitlerova, A; Jurek, K: Optical, luminescence and scintillation characteristics of Bi-doped LuAG and YAG single crystalline films. J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys. 42 7 (2009), p.No. 075501.
  83. Ogino, H; Yoshikawa, A; Nikl, M; Mares, JA; Shimoyama, JI; Kishio, K: Growth and optical properties of Lu-3(Ga,Al)(5)O-12 single crystals for scintillator application. J. Cryst. Growth 311 3 (2009), p.908-911.
  84. Mihokova, E; Vedda, A; Fasoli, M; Moretti, F; Bulin, AL; Nikl, M; Bettinelli, M; Speghini, A; Ogino, H; Yoshikawa, A: Defect states in Lu3GaxAl5-xO12 crystals and powders. Opt. Mater. 32 10 (2010), p.1298-1301.
  85. Hejna, J: Detektory elektronow w elektronowych mikroskopach skaningowych wysoko prozniowych. Prace Naukowe Instytutu Materia?éoznawstwa i Mechaniki Technicznej Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Monografie 66 27 (2010), p.3-215.
  86. Nikl, M; Vedda, A; Laguta, VV: Single-Crystal Scintillation Materials. In: Springer Handbook of Crystal Growth, Ed: G. Dhanaraj et al, Springer Verlag 2010, ISBN: 978-3-540-741824 Chapter 50 (2010), p.1663-1700.
  87. Prusa, P; Mares, JA; Nikl, M; Kucera, M; Nitsch, K; Hanus, M: Scintillation properties of LuAG:Ce single crystalline films grown by LPE method. Opt. Mater. 32 10 (2010), p.1360-1363.
  88. Zych, AK: Luminescence properties of Ce3+, Pr3+ and Nd3+ activated scintillators for Positron Emission Tomography (PET). PhD Thesis, Utrecht University (2011).
  89. Chewpraditkul, W; Moszynski, M: Scintillation Properties of Lu(3)Al(5)O(12), Lu(2)SiO(5) and LaBr(3) Crystals Activated with Cerium. 2011 International Conference On Physics Science And Technology (icpst); Physics Procedia 22 (2011), p.218-226.
  90. Novak, L: Methods for quantification of detection channel for secondary electrons in scanning electron microscope. PhD Thesis, Masaryk University, Brno (2011).
  91. Kamada, K; Yanagida, T; Pejchal, J; Nikl, M; Endo, T; Tsutumi, K; Fujimoto, Y; Fukabori, A; Yoshikawa, A: Scintillator-oriented combinatorial search in Ce-doped (Y,Gd)(3)(Ga,Al)(5)O(12) multicomponent garnet compounds. J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys. 44 50 (2011), p.A.No 505104.
  92. Wen, J; Hu, LS; Yin, M; Xia, SD: Ab Initio Calculation of Electronic Structure and 4f-5d Transition Energies of Ce(3+) Doped in Y(3)Al(5)O(12) Nanocrystals. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., Spec. 11 11/S (2011), p.9550-9555.
  93. Tous, J; Horodysky, P; Blazek, K; Nikl, M; Mares, JA: High resolution low energy X-ray microradiography using a CCD camera. J. Instrum. 6 (2011), p.A.No C01048.
  94. ogieglo, JM; Zych, A; Ivanovskikh, KV; Justel, T; Ronda, CR; Meijerink, A: Luminescence and Energy Transfer in Lu3Al5O12 Scintillators Co-Doped with Ce3+ and Tb3+. J. Phys. Chem. A 116 33 (2012), p.8464-8474.
  95. Chewpraditkul, W; Wanarak, C; Moszynski, M; Swiderski, L: Comparison of Lu3Al5O12:Ce and LaBr3:Ce Scintillators in Gamma-Ray Spectrometry. Materials Processing Technology, Pts 1-3; Advanced Materials Research, Part. 418-420 (2012), p.922-927.
  96. Wong, W; Moszynski, M: Energy and timing resolutions of Ce3+-Doped Lu3Al5O12, Lu2SiO5 and LaBr3 single crystal scintillators. Kmutt Research and Development Journal 35 2 (2012), p.133-142.
  97. Tous, J; Blazek, K; Nikl, M: High resolution single crystal scintillator plates used for light weight material x-ray radiography. 4th International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace, Augsburg, Germany (2012), p.Poster 7.
  98. Cuba, V; Barta, J; Jary, V; Nikl, M: Radiation-induced synthesis of oxide compounds. Radiation synthesis of materials and compounds, Ed. Kharisov, BI; CRC Press (2013), p.81-100.
  99. Dorenbos, P: Electronic structure and optical properties of the lanthanide activated RE3(Al1-xGax)(5)O-12 (RE=Gd, Y, Lu) garnet compounds. J. Lumines. 134 (2013), p.310-318.
  100. Nikl, M, Yanagida, T, Yagi, H, Yanagitani, T, Mihokova, E, Yoshikawa, A: Optical ceramics for fast scintillator materials. In: Recent Advances in Ceramic Materials Research, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2013, ISBN 9781624177293 (2013).
  101. Nikl, M; Yoshikawa, A; Kamada, K; Nejezchleb, K; Stanek, CR; Mares, JA; Blazek, K: Development of LuAG-based scintillator crystals - A review. Prog. Cryst. Growth Charact. Mater. 59 2 (2013), p.47-72.
  102. Patel, AP; Stanek, CR; Grimes, RW: Comparison of defect processes in REAlO3 perovskites and RE3Al5O12 garnets. Phys. Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Phys. 250 8 (2013), p.1624-1631.
  103. Tyagi, M; Meng, F; Koschan, M; Donnald, SB; Rothfuss, H; Melcher, CL: Effect of codoping on scintillation and optical properties of a Ce-doped Gd3Ga3Al2O12 scintillator. J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys. 46 47 (2013), p.A.No. 475302.
  104. Prusa, P; Kamada, K; Nikl, M; Yoshikawa, A; Mares, JA: Light yield of (Lu,Y,Gd)(3)Al2Ga3O12:Ce garnets. Radiat. Meas., Spec. 56 SI (2013), p.62-65.
  105. Tihlarikova, E; Nedela, V; Shiojiri, M: In Situ Study of Live Specimens in an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope. Microsc. microanal. 19 4 (2013), p.914-918.
  106. Ogieglo, JM; Katelnikovas, A; Zych, A; Justel, T; Meijerink, A; Ronda, CR: Luminescence and Luminescence Quenching in Gd-3(Ga,Al)(5)O-12 Scintillators Doped with Ce3+. J. Phys. Chem. A 117 12 (2013), p.2479-2484.
  107. Nedela, V; Tihlarikova, E; Shiojiri, M: New Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy and Observation of Live Nature. Journal of Microscopy Society of Thailand 27 1 (2013), p.1-5.
  108. Schauer, P; Bok, J: Innovation possibilities of scintillation electron detector for SEM. IMC 2014 - The International Microscopy Congress 2014, Prague, Czech Republic IT-4 O-1674 (2014).
  109. Asatryan, GR; Kramushchenko, DD; Uspenskaya, YA; Baranov, PG; Petrosyan, AG: Family of paramagnetic centers of Ce3+ ions in yttrium aluminum garnet. Phys. Solid State 56 6 (2014), p.1150-1156.
  110. Chewpraditkul, W; Panek, D; Bruza, P; Wanarak, C; Pattanaboonmee, N; Babin, V; Bartosiewicz, K; Kamada, K; Yoshikawa, A; Nikl, M: Luminescence properties and scintillation response in Ce3+-doped Y2Gd1Al5-xGaxO12 (x=2, 3, 4) single crystals. J. Appl. Phys. 116 8 (2014), p.A.No. 4893675.
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Schauer, P.: Extended Algorithm for Simulation of Light Transport in Single Crystal Scintillation Detectors for S(T)EM. Scanning 29 6 (2007), p.249-253. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Schauer, P: Optimization of decay kinetics of YAG:Ce single crystal scintillators for S(T)EM electron detectors. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B-Beam Interact. Mater. Atoms 269 21 (2011), p.2572-2577.
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  3. Danilatos, GD: Backscattered electron detection in environmental SEM. J. Microsc. 245 2 (2012), p.171-185.
  4. Schauer, P; Bok, J: Study of spatial resolution of YAG:Ce cathodoluminescent imaging screens. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B-Beam Interact. Mater. Atoms 308 (2013), p.68-73.
  5. Bok, J; Lalinsky, O; Hanus, M; Onderisinova, Z; Kelar, J; Kucera, M: GAGG:Ce single crystalline films: New perspective scintillators for electron detection in SEM. Ultramicroscopy 163 (2016), p.1-5.
  6. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M: Perspective scintillation electron detectors for S(T)EM. IMC 19 - 19th International Microscopy Congress 2018, Sydney, Australia (2018).
  7. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M: Prospective scintillation electron detectors for S(T)EM based on garnet film scintillators. Microsc. Res. Tech. 82 3 (2019), p.272-282.
  8. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M: Overview of S(T)EM electron detectors with garnet scintillators: Some potentials and limits. Microsc. Res. Tech. DOI: 10.1002/jemt.23634 84 4 (2021), p.753-770.
  9. Schauer, P: Comparison of photon transport efficiency in simple scintillation electron detector configurations for scanning electron microscope. Microsc. Res. Tech. 85 5 (2022), p.1870-1883.

Schauer, F.; Schauer, P.; Kuritka, I.; Bao, H.: Conjugated Silicon-Based Polymer Resists for Nanotechnologies: EB and UV Meditated Degradation Processes in Polysilanes. Mater. Trans. 51 2 (2010), p.197-201. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
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  7. Urbanek, P: Electronic Properties of Thin Polymer Films:A Study of Structure between Nano- and Microscale (Elektronicke vlastnosti tenkych polymernich vrstev: Studie struktury mezi nano-a mikroskalou). PhD Thesis, Tomas Bata University, Zlin, Czech Republic (2014).
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  11. Schauer, F; Tkacova, M; Nadazdy, V; Gmucova, K; Ozvoldova, M; Tkac, L; Chlpik, J: Electronic structure of UV degradation defects in polysilanes studied by Energy Resolved - Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. Polym. Degrad. Stabil. 126 (2016), p.204-208.
  12. Schauer, F; Tkac, L; Ozvoldova, M; Nadazdy, V; Gmucova, K; Jergel, M; Siffalovic, P: Effect of crystallinity on UV degradability of poly[methyl(phenyl)silane] by energy- resolved electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. AIP Adv. 7 5 (2017), p.AN 055002.
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Schauer, P.: Optimization of decay kinetics of YAG:Ce single crystal scintillators for S(T)EM electron detectors. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B-Beam Interact. Mater. Atoms 269 21 (2011), p.2572-2577. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Bok, J; Schauer, P: LabVIEW-based control and data acquisition system for cathodoluminescence experiments. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82 11 (2011), p.A.No 113109.
  2. Bok, J; Schauer, P: Mechanism of electron-photon conversion in YAG:Ce scintillator for SEM electron detectors. MC 2013 - Microscopy Conference 2013, Regensburg, Germany 121-122 (2013).
  3. Fritz, R: Quantitative Untersuchungen der Zusammensetzung von kubischen III/V-Verbindungshalbleitern mittels HAADF-STEM. PhD Thesis, Philips University Marburg, Germany (2013).
  4. Schauer, P; Bok, J: Study of spatial resolution of YAG:Ce cathodoluminescent imaging screens. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B-Beam Interact. Mater. Atoms 308 (2013), p.68-73.
  5. Bok, J; Schauer, P: Performance of SEM Scintillation Detector Evaluated by Modulation Transfer Function and Detective Quantum Efficiency Function. Scanning 36 4 (2014), p.384-393.
  6. Bok, J; Schauer, P: Apparatus for temperature-dependent cathodoluminescence characterization of materials. Meas. Sci. Technol. 25 7 (2014), p.A.No. 075601.
  7. Bok, J: Cathodoluminescence mechanism of YAG:Ce single crystals (Mechanismus katodoluminisce monokrystalu YAG:Ce). PhD Thesis, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic (2014).
  8. Lalinsky, O; Bok, J; Schauer, P; Frank, L: Performance of YAG:Ce Scintillators for Low-Energy Electron Detectors in S(T)EM. IMC 2014 - The International Microscopy Congress 2014, Prague, Czech Rep. Sep 2014 Vol. IT-4 (2014), p.P-3232.
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  11. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M; Lucenicova, Z; Hanus, M: Effect of Mg co-doping on cathodoluminescence properties of LuGAGG:Ce single crystalline garnet films. Opt. Mater. 72 (2017), p.359-366.
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  13. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M; Lucenicova, Z: Superfast scintillators for SEM electron detectors. MCM2017 - 13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, Rovinj, Croatia (2017), p.132-134.
  14. Osipov, VV; Ishchenko, AV; Shitov, VA; Maksimov, RN; Lukyashin, KE; Platonov, VV; Orlov, AN; Osipov, SN; Yagodin, VV; Viktorov, LV; Shu: Fabrication, optical and scintillation properties of transparent YAG:Ce ceramics. Opt. Mater., Spec. 71 /SI (2017), p.98-102.
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  19. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M: Overview of S(T)EM electron detectors with garnet scintillators: Some potentials and limits. Microsc. Res. Tech. DOI: 10.1002/jemt.23634 84 4 (2021), p.753-770.
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Bok, J.; Schauer, P.: LabVIEW-based control and data acquisition system for cathodoluminescence experiments. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82 11 (2011), p.A.No.113109. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Bok, J: Cathodoluminescence kinetics of scintillators and resists for e-beam devices (Kinetika katodoluminiscence scintilatoru a rezistu pro pristroje s elektronovym svazkem). Master Thesis, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic (2010).
  2. Kim, DJ; Fisk, Z: A LabVIEW based template for user created experiment automation. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83 12 (2012), p.A.No 123705.
  3. Bok, J; Schauer, P: Quality assessment of scintillation detector in SEM using MTF. Seminar on Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation, Skalsky Dvur (Brno) 9-10 (2012).
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  9. Bok, J; Schauer, P: Effect of oxidation annealing at different temperatures on cathodolu minescence properties of YAG:Ce single crystals. ICL 2014 - 17th International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter, Wroclaw, Poland Proc (2014), p.P-180.
  10. Lalinsky, O; Bok, J; Schauer, P: Temperature-Dependent Study of Cathodoluminescence Intensity and Decay of Cerium-Activated YAG Single Crystals. ICL 2014 - 17th International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter, Wroclaw, Poland, July 2014 (2014), p.205.
  11. Bok, J; Schauer, P: Apparatus for temperature-dependent cathodoluminescence characterization of materials. Meas. Sci. Technol. 25 7 (2014), p.A.No. 075601.
  12. Zhu, Qg; Wang, Ye; Mu, Xm: Monitoring System of 10kV Distribution Network by Power Line Carrier. Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation 51 2 (2014), p.10.
  13. Bok, J: Cathodoluminescence mechanism of YAG:Ce single crystals (Mechanismus katodoluminisce monokrystalu YAG:Ce). PhD Thesis, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic (2014).
  14. Lalinsky, O; Bok, J; Schauer, P; Frank, L: Performance of YAG:Ce Scintillators for Low-Energy Electron Detectors in S(T)EM. IMC 2014 - The International Microscopy Congress 2014, Prague, Czech Rep. Sep 2014 Vol. IT-4 (2014), p.P-3232.
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  17. Lalinsky, O; Schauer, P; Kucera, M; Onderisinova, Z; Hanus, M: Cathodoluminescence study of LuAG:CeGdGa single crystalline films. ICOM2015 Book of Abstracts - The 4th International Conference on the Physics of Optical Materials and Deices, Budva, Montenegro (2015), p.125.
  18. Lalinsky, O; Schauer, P; Kucera, M; Hanus, M; Lucenicova, Z: New detectors for low-energy BSE. 15th Inter. Seminar on Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation, Skalsky Dvur (Brno) 34-35 (2016).
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  21. Lalinsky, O; Schauer, P; Kucera, M; Lucenicova, Z; Hanus, M: Effect of Mg-doping on cathodoluminescence properties of GAGG:Ce single crystalline films. ICDIM 2016 - International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials, Lyon, France Proc (2016), p.Th-P-28.
  22. Lalinsky, O; Schauer, P; Kucera, M; Lucenicova, Z; Hanus, M: Prospective scintillators for low?energy BSE detectors. EMC 2016 - 16th European Microscopy Congress, Lyon, France Aug 2016 (2016), p.1160-1161.
  23. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Lucenicova, Z; Kucera, M: Multicomponent garnet film scintillators for SEM electron detectors. EMC 2016 - 16th European Microscopy Congress, Lyon, France Aug 2016 (2016), p.374-375.
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  27. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M; Lucenicova, Z: Superfast scintillators for SEM electron detectors. MCM2017 - 13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, Rovinj, Croatia (2017), p.132-134.
  28. Lalinsky, O; Schauer, P; Lucenicova, Z; Kucera, M: Improved cathodoluminescence performance of Mg-doped LuAG:Ce(GdGa)single crystalline films. SCINT 2017 - 14th Int. Conference on Scintillating Materials and their Applications, Chamonix, France (2017), p.123-124.
  29. Lalinsky, O; Schauer, P; Rathaiah, M; Kucera, M: Stable Ce4+ Centres - A Tool to Optimize Cathodoluminescence Performance in Garnet Scintillators. Proceedings of Recent Trends In Charged Particle Optics And Surface Physics Instrumentation (2018), p.44-44.
  30. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M: Prospective scintillation electron detectors for S(T)EM based on garnet film scintillators. Microsc. Res. Tech. 82 3 (2019), p.272-282.
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Schauer, P.; Bok, J.: Study of spatial resolution of YAG:Ce cathodoluminescent imaging screens. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B-Beam Interact. Mater. Atoms 308 (2013), p.68-73. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Bok, J: Cathodoluminescence mechanism of YAG:Ce single crystals (Mechanismus katodoluminisce monokrystalu YAG:Ce). PhD Thesis, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic (2014).
  2. Bok, J; Horodysky, P; Krzyanek, V: Effect of oxidation annealing on optical properties of YAG:Ce single crystals. Opt. Mater. 46 (2015), p.591-595.
  3. Romptis, D: A Single-shot Nonlinear Autocorrelation Approach for Time-Resolved Physics in the Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectral Range. PhD Thesis, Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften Fachbereich Physikder Universität Hamburg (2015).
  4. Bok, J; Horacek, M; Kolarik, V; Urbanek, M; Matejka, M; Krzyanek, V: Measurements of current density distribution in shaped e-beam writers. Microelectron. Eng. 149 (2016), p.117-124.
  5. Kucera, M; Onderisinova, Z; Bok, J; Hanus, M; Schauer, P; Nikl, M: Scintillation response of Ce3+ doped GdGa-LuAG multicomponent garnet films under e-beam excitation. J. Lumines. 169 (2016), p.674-677.
  6. Bok, J; Lalinsky, O; Hanus, M; Onderisinova, Z; Kelar, J; Kucera, M: GAGG:Ce single crystalline films: New perspective scintillators for electron detection in SEM. Ultramicroscopy 163 (2016), p.1-5.
  7. Rejman, M: Luminescence properties of phosphors in high power LED applications (Luminiscencni vlastnosti fosforu ve vysoce vykonnych LED aplikacich). PhD Thesis, Institute of Physics of CAS, Prague, Czech Republic (2016).
  8. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Lucenicova, Z; Kucera, M: Multicomponent garnet film scintillators for SEM electron detectors. EMC 2016 - 16th European Microscopy Congress, Lyon, France Aug 2016 (2016), p.374-375.
  9. Patt, M: Bulk and surface sensitive energy-filtered photoemission microscopy using synchrotron radiation for the study of resistive switching memories. PhD Thesis, Jülich: Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Zentralbibliothek, Verlag, Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich Reihe Schlüsselte (2016).
  10. Kucera, M; Prusa, P: LPE-Grown Thin-Film Scintillators. in: Nanocomposite, Ceramic, And Thin Film Scintillators, Pan Stanford Publishing Chapter 5 (2017), p.155-226.
  11. Trofimov, A: Microstructure, Luminescence, and Performance of Garnet Polycrystalline Ceramic Scintillators. PhD Thesis, Clemson University (2018).
  12. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M: Prospective scintillation electron detectors for S(T)EM based on garnet film scintillators. Microsc. Res. Tech. 82 3 (2019), p.272-282.
  13. Lalinsky, O; Schauer, P; Kucera, M: Influence of Mg-to-Ce Concentration Ratio on Cathodoluminescence in LuAG and LuGAGG Single-Crystalline Films. Phys. Status Solidi A-Appl. Mat. 216 8 (2019), p.A.N.1801016.
  14. Lalinsky, O; Schauer, P: New garnet scintillators for detectors with superfast response. Fine Mechanics and Optics (Jemna mechanika a optika) 64 1 (2019), p.18-20.
  15. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M: Overview of S(T)EM electron detectors with garnet scintillators: Some potentials and limits. Microsc. Res. Tech. DOI: 10.1002/jemt.23634 84 4 (2021), p.753-770.
  16. NOVÉ! Shih, K; Wang, G; Ma, J; Pinayev, I; Jing, Y; Litvinenko, VN: IMPACT-T simulation for the latest coherent electron cooling pop experiment. Proc. IPAC'24 - 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Nashville, TN, USA (2024), p.2974-2977.
  17. Runts, A; Bleykher, G; Stepanov, S; Valiev, D: Reactive magnetron deposition of YAG:Ce phosphor coatings in the metallic mode. Opt. Mater. 156 (2024), p.AN 115946.

Bok, J.; Schauer, P.: Performance of SEM scintillation detector evaluated by modulation transfer function and detective quantum efficiency function. Scanning 35 (2013), p.384-393. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Bok, J: Cathodoluminescence mechanism of YAG:Ce single crystals (Mechanismus katodoluminisce monokrystalu YAG:Ce). PhD Thesis, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic (2014).
  2. Healy, OE; Mott, RB: Real-World Electron Detector Performance in Scanning Electron Microscopes. Microscopy and Microanalysis 22 S3 (2016), p.596-597.
  3. Bok, J; Lalinsky, O; Hanus, M; Onderisinova, Z; Kelar, J; Kucera, M: GAGG:Ce single crystalline films: New perspective scintillators for electron detection in SEM. Ultramicroscopy 163 (2016), p.1-5.
  4. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M; Lucenicova, Z; Hanus, M: Effect of Mg co-doping on cathodoluminescence properties of LuGAGG:Ce single crystalline garnet films. Opt. Mater. 72 (2017), p.359-366.
  5. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M; Lucenicova, Z: Superfast scintillators for SEM electron detectors. MCM2017 - 13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, Rovinj, Croatia (2017), p.132-134.
  6. McGregor, DS: Materials for Gamma-Ray Spectrometers: Inorganic Scintillators. Ann. Rev. Mater. Res. 48 (2018), p.245-277.
  7. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M: Perspective scintillation electron detectors for S(T)EM. IMC 19 - 19th International Microscopy Congress 2018, Sydney, Australia (2018).
  8. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M: Prospective scintillation electron detectors for S(T)EM based on garnet film scintillators. Microsc. Res. Tech. 82 3 (2019), p.272-282.
  9. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M: Overview of S(T)EM electron detectors with garnet scintillators: Some potentials and limits. Microsc. Res. Tech. DOI: 10.1002/jemt.23634 84 4 (2021), p.753-770.
  10. Schauer, P: Comparison of photon transport efficiency in simple scintillation electron detector configurations for scanning electron microscope. Microsc. Res. Tech. 85 5 (2022), p.1870-1883.

Bok, J.; Schauer, P.: Apparatus for temperature-dependent cathodoluminescence characterization of materials. Meas. Sci. Technol. 25 (2014), p.A.No.075601. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Bok, J; Horodysky, P; Krzyanek, V: Effect of oxidation annealing on optical properties of YAG:Ce single crystals. Opt. Mater. 46 (2015), p.591-595.
  2. Kucera, M; Onderisinova, Z; Bok, J; Hanus, M; Schauer, P; Nikl, M: Scintillation response of Ce3+ doped GdGa-LuAG multicomponent garnet films under e-beam excitation. J. Lumines. 169 (2016), p.674-677.
  3. Bok, J; Lalinsky, O; Hanus, M; Onderisinova, Z; Kelar, J; Kucera, M: GAGG:Ce single crystalline films: New perspective scintillators for electron detection in SEM. Ultramicroscopy 163 (2016), p.1-5.
  4. Daoud, K: Etude theorique et pratique de la cathodoluminescence en vue de la determination de l influence des defauts dans les semiconducteurs II-VI. PhD Thesis, Universite Des Freres Mentouri-Constantine, Algeria (2016).
  5. Kenieche, D: Etude théorique et pratique de la cathodoluminescence en vue de la détermination de l'influence des défauts dans les semiconducteurs II-VI. PhD Thesis, Universite des Freres Mentouri-Constantine Faculte des Sciences Exactesdepartement de Physique (2016).
  6. Kucera, M; Prusa, P: LPE-Grown Thin-Film Scintillators. in: Nanocomposite, Ceramic, And Thin Film Scintillators, Pan Stanford Publishing Chapter 5 (2017), p.155-226.
  7. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M; Lucenicova, Z; Hanus, M: Effect of Mg co-doping on cathodoluminescence properties of LuGAGG:Ce single crystalline garnet films. Opt. Mater. 72 (2017), p.359-366.
  8. Navratil, Z; Moravek, T; Rahel, J; Cech, J; Lalinsky, O; Trunec, D: Diagnostics of pre-breakdown light emission in a helium coplanar barrier discharge: the presence of neutral bremsstrahlung. Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 26 5 (2017).
  9. Moravek, T: Study of the surface charge recombination in dielectric barrier discharges (Studium rekombinace povrchoveho naboje v dielektrickych barierovych vybojich). PhD Thesis, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic (2017).
  10. Lalinsky, O; Schauer, P; Rathaiah, M; Kucera, M: Cathodoluminescence study of LuAG:Ce,Mg and LuGAGG:Ce,Mg single crystalline films - Mg-rich extension. LumDeTr 2018 - Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation, Prague, Czech Republic 208 (2018).
  11. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M: Prospective scintillation electron detectors for S(T)EM based on garnet film scintillators. Microsc. Res. Tech. 82 3 (2019), p.272-282.
  12. Lalinsky, O; Schauer, P; Kucera, M: Influence of Mg-to-Ce Concentration Ratio on Cathodoluminescence in LuAG and LuGAGG Single-Crystalline Films. Phys. Status Solidi A-Appl. Mat. 216 8 (2019), p.A.N.1801016.
  13. Lalinsky, O; Schauer, P: New garnet scintillators for detectors with superfast response. Fine Mechanics and Optics (Jemna mechanika a optika) 64 1 (2019), p.18-20.
  14. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M: Overview of S(T)EM electron detectors with garnet scintillators: Some potentials and limits. Microsc. Res. Tech. DOI: 10.1002/jemt.23634 84 4 (2021), p.753-770.
  15. Schauer, P: Comparison of photon transport efficiency in simple scintillation electron detector configurations for scanning electron microscope. Microsc. Res. Tech. 85 5 (2022), p.1870-1883.

Kucera, M.; Onderisinova, Z.; Bok, J.; Hanus, M.; Schaur, P.; Nikl, M.: Scintillation response of Ce3+ doped GdGa-LuAG multicomponent garnet films under e-beam excitation. J. Lumin. 169 (2016), p.674-677. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Kucera, M; Onderisinova, Z; Hanus, M; Prusa, P; Bok, J; Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Nikl, M: Improved scintillation response of Ce doped GGAG garnet films: A pathway to high LY materials. SCINT 2015 - 13th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications, Berkeley, USA Proc (2015), p.O14-1.
  2. Onderisinova, Z; Kucera, M; Hanus, M; Lalinsky, O; Bok, J; Schauer, P; Nikl, M: Cathodoluminescence decay kinetics of Ce3+ doped LuAG:GdGa multicomponent garnets. SCINT 2015 - 13th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications, Berkeley, USA Proc (2015), p.O5-6.
  3. Prusa, P; Kucera, M; Mares, JA; Onderisinova, Z; Hanus, M; Babin, V; Beitlerova, A; Nikl, M: Composition Tailoring in Ce-Doped Multicomponent Garnet Epitaxial Film Scintillators. Cryst. Growth Des. 15 8 (2015), p.3715-3723.
  4. Babin, V; Hanus, M; Krasnikov, A; Kucera, M; Nikl, M; Zazubovich, S: Determination of the position of the 5d excited levels of Ce3+ ions with respect to the conduction band in the epitaxial films of the multicomponent (Lu,Gd)(3)(Ga,Al)(5)O-12:Ce garnets. Opt. Mater. 62 (2016), p.465-474.
  5. Babin, V; Chernenko, K; Kucera, M; Nikl, M; Zazubovich, S: Photostimulated luminescence and defects creation processes in Ce3+-doped epitaxial films of multicomponent Lu3-xGdxGayAl5-yO12 garnets. J. Lumines. 179 (2016), p.487-495.
  6. Bok, J; Lalinsky, O; Hanus, M; Onderisinova, Z; Kelar, J; Kucera, M: GAGG:Ce single crystalline films: New perspective scintillators for electron detection in SEM. Ultramicroscopy 163 (2016), p.1-5.
  7. Babin, V; Chernenko, K; Hanus, M; Krasnikov, A; Kucera, M; Nikl, M; Zazubovich, S: On the origin of the ultraviolet photoluminescence in the Ce3+-doped epitaxial films of multicomponent (Lu,Gd)(3)(Ga,Al)(5)O-12 garnets. Phys. Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Phys. 254 4 (2017), p.AN UNSP 1600570.
  8. Kucera, M; Prusa, P: LPE-Grown Thin-Film Scintillators. in: Nanocomposite, Ceramic, And Thin Film Scintillators, Pan Stanford Publishing Chapter 5 (2017), p.155-226.
  9. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M; Lucenicova, Z; Hanus, M: Effect of Mg co-doping on cathodoluminescence properties of LuGAGG:Ce single crystalline garnet films. Opt. Mater. 72 (2017), p.359-366.
  10. Babin, V; Buryi, M; Chlan, V; Fomichov, Y; Kamada, K; Laguta, VV; Nikl, M; Pejchal, J; Stepankova, H; Yoshikawa, A; Zagorodniy, Y; Zazu: Influence of gallium content on Ga3+ position and photo-and thermally stimulated luminescence in Ce3+-doped multicomponent (Y,Lu)(3)GaxAl(5)xO(12) garnets. J. Lumines. 200 (2018), p.141-150.
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  12. Zhang, HZ; Zhang, XM; Cheng, Z; Xu, Y; Yang, JX; Meng, FG: Photoluminescence properties and site-preferable distribution of Ce3+ in Na2Ca1-xSrxSi2O6 (x=0-1) blue-emitting phosphors. J. Alloy. Compd. 764 (2018), p.853-860.
  13. Song, Z; Liu, QL: Effects of Neighboring Polyhedron Competition on the 5d Level of Ce3+ in Lanthanide Garnets. J. Phys. Chem. C 123 14 (2019), p.8656-8662.
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  15. Lisitsyn, V; Lisitsyna, L; Tulegenova, A; Ju, YY; Polisadova, E; Lipatov, E; Vaganov, V: Nanodefects in YAG:Ce-Based Phosphor Microcrystals. Crystals 9 9 (2019), p.AN 476.
  16. Lisitsyn, VM; Tulegenova, AT; Lisitsyna, LA; Vaganov, VA; Soshchin, NP; Polisadova, EF; Abdullin, KA; Ju, YY: Photo and cathodoluminescence of commercial YAG:Ce based phosphors in UV region. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B-Beam Interact. Mater. Atoms 478 (2020), p.120-124.
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  18. Lisitsyn, VM; Vaganov, VA; Lisitsyna, LA; Karipbayev, ZT; Kemere, M; Tulegenova, AT; Ju, Y; Panchenko, YN: Luminescence of YAG:Ce Phosphors Excited by UV Laser Radiation. Russ. Phys. J. 63 6 (2020), p.1003-1009.
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  20. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M: Overview of S(T)EM electron detectors with garnet scintillators: Some potentials and limits. Microsc. Res. Tech. DOI: 10.1002/jemt.23634 84 4 (2021), p.753-770.
  21. Valiev, D; Stepanov, S; Paygin, V; Dvilis, E; Deulina, D; Shevchenko, I; Khasanov, O: Fabrication and properties of novel multilayered Y3Al5O12/MgAl2O4 ceramics doped with rare-earth ions. Ceram. Int., Part. 50/A 11 (2024), p.19374-19381.

Schauer, P.; Lalinsky, O.; Kucera, M; Lucenicova, Z.; Hanus, M.: Effect of Mg co-doping on cathodoluminescence properties of LuGAGG:Ce single crystalline garnet films. Optical Materials 72 (2017), p.359-366. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Lalinsky, O; Schauer, P; Rathaiah, M; Kucera, M: Cathodoluminescence study of LuAG:Ce,Mg and LuGAGG:Ce,Mg single crystalline films - Mg-rich extension. LumDeTr 2018 - Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation, Prague, Czech Republic 208 (2018).
  2. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M: Perspective scintillation electron detectors for S(T)EM. IMC 19 - 19th International Microscopy Congress 2018, Sydney, Australia (2018).
  3. Lalinsky, O; Schauer, P; Rathaiah, M; Kucera, M: Stable Ce4+ Centres - A Tool to Optimize Cathodoluminescence Performance in Garnet Scintillators. Proceedings of Recent Trends In Charged Particle Optics And Surface Physics Instrumentation (2018), p.44-44.
  4. Prusa, P; Kucera, M; Babin, V; Bruza, P; Parkman, T; Panek, D; Beitlerova, A; Mares, JA; Hanus, M; Lucenicova, Z; Pokorny, M; Nikl, M: Tailoring and Optimization of LuAG:Ce Epitaxial Film Scintillation Properties by Mg Co-Doping. Cryst. Growth Des. 18 9 (2018), p.4998-5007.
  5. Khanin, VM; Vrubel, II; Polozkov, RG; Venevtsev, ID; Rodnyi, PA; Tukhvatulina, T; Chernenko, K; Drozdowski, W; Witkowski, ME; Makowski,: Complex Garnets: Microscopic Parameters Characterizing Afterglow. J. Phys. Chem. C 123 37 (2019), p.22725-22734.
  6. Lalinsky, O; Schauer, P; Kucera, M: Influence of Mg-to-Ce Concentration Ratio on Cathodoluminescence in LuAG and LuGAGG Single-Crystalline Films. Phys. Status Solidi A-Appl. Mat. 216 8 (2019), p.A.N.1801016.
  7. Babin, V; Herman, P; Kucera, M; Nikl, M; Zazubovich, S: Effect of Mg2+ co-doping on the photo- and thermally stimulated luminescence of the (Lu,Gd)(3)(Ga,Al)(5)O-12:Ce epitaxial films. J. Lumines. 215 (2019).
  8. Lalinsky, O; Schauer, P: New garnet scintillators for detectors with superfast response. Fine Mechanics and Optics (Jemna mechanika a optika) 64 1 (2019), p.18-20.
  9. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M: Prospective scintillation electron detectors for S(T)EM based on garnet film scintillators. Microsc. Res. Tech. 82 3 (2019), p.272-282.
  10. Chewpraditkul, W; Pattanaboonmee, N; Sakthong, O; Chewpraditkul, W; Yamaji, A; Kurosawa, S; Kamada, K; Yoshikawa, A; Makowski, M; et al: Scintillation characteristics and temperature quenching of radio- and photoluminescence of Mg2+-codoped (Lu,Gd)(3)Al2.4Ga2.6O12:Ce garnet crystals. Opt. Mater. 121 (2021), p.AN 111595.
  11. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M: Overview of S(T)EM electron detectors with garnet scintillators: Some potentials and limits. Microsc. Res. Tech. DOI: 10.1002/jemt.23634 84 4 (2021), p.753-770.
  12. Zapadlik, O; Pejchal, J; Kucerkova, R; Beitlerova, A; Nikl, M: Composition-Engineered GSAG Garnet: Single-Crystal Host for Fast Scintillators. Cryst. Growth Des. 21 12 (2021), p.7139-7149.
  13. Korzhik, M; Retivov, V; Bondarau, A; Dosovitskiy, G; Dubov, V; Kamenskikh, I; Karpuk, P; Kuznetsova, D; Smyslova, V; Mechinsky, V; Pust: Role of the Dilution of the Gd Sublattice in Forming the Scintillation Properties of Quaternary (Gd,Lu)(3)Al2Ga3O12: Ce Ceramics. Crystals 12 9 (2022), p.AN 1196.
  14. Martinazzoli, L; Nargelas, S; Bohacek, P; Cala, R; Dusek, M; Rohlicek, J; Tamulaitis, G; Auffray, E; Nikl, M: Compositional engineering of multicomponent garnet scintillators: towards an ultra-accelerated scintillation response. Mater. Adv. 3 17 (2022), p.6842-6852.
  15. Witkiewicz-Lukaszek, S; Gorbenko, V; Zorenko, T; Syrotych, Y; Mares, JA; Nikl, M; Sidletskiy, O; Bilski, P; Yoshikawa, A; Zorenko, Y: Composite Detectors Based on Single-Crystalline Films and Single Crystals of Garnet Compounds. Materials 15 3 (2022), p.AN 1249.
  16. Kuznetsova, D; Dubov, V; Bondarev, A; Dosovitskiy, G; Mechinsky, V; Retivov, V; Kucherov, O; Saifutyarov, R; Korzhik, M: Tailoring of the Gd-Y-Lu ratio in quintuple (Gd, Lu, Y)(3)Al2Ga3O12:Ce ceramics for better scintillation properties. J. Appl. Phys. 132 20 (2022), p.AN 203104.
  17. Chen, L; Bai, Z; Liu, Q; Luo, W: Study on Luminescence Properties of Gd2O2S: Tb3+ Phosphors with Different Excitation Sources. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Int. Conf. on Optoel. Inf. and Func. Mater, Guangzhou, 2023 12781 (2023), p.AN 1278134.
  18. Gorbenko, V; Zorenko, T; Shakhno, A; Popielarski, P; Osvet, A; Batentschuk, M; Fedorov, A; Mahlik, S; Lesniewski, T; Majewska, N; Zoren: Single Crystalline Films of Ce3+-Doped Y3MgxSiyAl5-x-yO12 Garnets: Crystallization, Optical, and Photocurrent Properties. Materials 16 5 (2023), p.AN 1869.
  19. Korzhik, M; Dubov, V; Bazalevsky, M; Bondarau, A; Buzanov, O; Lelekova, D; Karpuk, P; Mechinsky, V; Vasiliev, V; Yanushevich, D: Advanced transparent scintillation ceramics (Gd,Lu,Y) 3 Al 2 Ga 3 O 12:Ce, Mg for a novel generation of PET scanners. Opt. Mater. 151 (2024), p.AN 115334.
  20. Witkiewicz-Lukaszek, S; Gorbenko, V; Zorenko, T; Pejchal, J; Mares, JA; Kucerkova, R; Beitlerova, A; Nikl, M; Sidletskiy, O; Winiecki,: Three-Layered Composite Scintillator Based on the Epitaxial Structures of YAG and LuAG Garnets Doped with Ce3+ and Sc3+ Impurities. Materials 17 16 (2024), p.AN 4025.

Lalinsky, O.; Schauer, P.: Casove korelovane citani jednotlivych fotonu: Nova metoda pro studium doznivani katodoluminiscence. Fine Mechanics and Optics 62 10 (2017), p.248-250. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Lalinsky, O; Schauer, P: New garnet scintillators for detectors with superfast response. Fine Mechanics and Optics (Jemna mechanika a optika) 64 1 (2019), p.18-20.

Schauer, P.; Lalinsky, O.; Kucera, M.: Prospective scintillation electron detectors for S(T)EM based on garnet film scintillators. Microsc. Res. Tech. 82 (2019), p.272-282. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Kuznecova, DJ: Chimiceskije osnovy technologii polucenija poroskov YAG:Ce dlja ljuminescentnych materialov. PhD Thesis, Inst. chim. reak. i osobo cistych chim. vescestv, Nacionalnyj issledovatelskyj centr, Kurcatovskij institut, Moscow, Russia (2020).
  2. Prusa, P; Kucera, M; Vedda, A; Fasoli, M; Moretti, F; Hanus, M; Lucenicova, Z; Vrba, T; Nikl, M: Substantial reduction of trapping by Mg co-doping in LuAG:Ce, Mg epitaxial garnet films. J. Lumines. 238 (2021), p.AN 118230.
  3. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M: Overview of S(T)EM electron detectors with garnet scintillators: Some potentials and limits. Microsc. Res. Tech. DOI: 10.1002/jemt.23634 84 4 (2021), p.753-770.
  4. Crha, J: Development of microstructured scintillators for high-resolution neutron imaging of construction materials. PhD Thesis, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Experimental Centre (2021).
  5. Kucera, M; Rathaiah, M; Nikl, M; Beitlerova, A; Lalinsky, O: Scintillation properties of YAlO3:Ce perovskite co-doped by Mg2+ions. Opt. Mater. 132 (2022), p.AN 112779.
  6. Schauer, P: Comparison of photon transport efficiency in simple scintillation electron detector configurations for scanning electron microscope. Microsc. Res. Tech. 85 5 (2022), p.1870-1883.

Lalinsky, O; Schauer, P; Kucera, M.: Influence of Mg-to-Ce Concentration Ratio on Cathodoluminescence in LuAG and LuGAGG Single-Crystalline Films. Physica Status Solidi A 216 8 (2019), p.A.N.1801016. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Chewpraditkul, W; Pattanaboonmee, N; Chewpraditkul, W; Sakthong, O; Yamaji, A; Kamada, K; Kurosawa, S; Yoshikawa, A; Drozdowski, W; Wit: Scintillation Characteristics of Mg2+-Codoped Y0.8Gd2.2(Al5-xGax)O-12:Ce Single Crystals. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., Part. 67/1 6 (2020), p.910-914.
  2. Chewpraditkul, W; Pattanaboonmee, N; Sakthong, O; Chewpraditkul, W; Yoshino, M; Horiai, T; Yoshikawa, A; Gushchina, L; Kamada, K; Kuros: Luminescence and Scintillation Properties of Mg2+-Codoped Lu0.6Gd2.4Al2Ga3O12:Ce Single Crystal. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., Part. 67/1 6 (2020), p.904-909.
  3. Prusa, P; Kucera, M; Vedda, A; Fasoli, M; Moretti, F; Hanus, M; Lucenicova, Z; Vrba, T; Nikl, M: Substantial reduction of trapping by Mg co-doping in LuAG:Ce, Mg epitaxial garnet films. J. Lumines. 238 (2021), p.AN 118230.
  4. Witkiewicz-Lukaszek, S; Gorbenko, V; Zorenko, T; Syrotych, Y; Kucerkova, R; Mares, JA; Nikl, M; Sidletskiy, O; Fedorov, A; Kurosawa, S;: New types of composite scintillators based on the single crystalline films and crystals of Gd-3(Al,Ga)(5)O-12:Ce mixed garnets. Mater. Sci. Eng. B-Adv. Funct. Solid-State Mater. 264 (2021), p.AN 114909.
  5. Kucera, M; Rathaiah, M; Nikl, M; Beitlerova, A; Lalinsky, O: Scintillation properties of YAlO3:Ce perovskite co-doped by Mg2+ions. Opt. Mater. 132 (2022), p.AN 112779.
  6. Witkiewicz-Lukaszek, S; Gorbenko, V; Zorenko, T; Syrotych, Y; Mares, JA; Nikl, M; Sidletskiy, O; Bilski, P; Yoshikawa, A; Zorenko, Y: Composite Detectors Based on Single-Crystalline Films and Single Crystals of Garnet Compounds. Materials 15 3 (2022), p.AN 1249.
  7. Nargelas, S; Solovjovas, A; Talochka, Y; Podlipskas, Z; Kucera, M; Lucenicova, Z; Tamulaitis, G: Influence of heavy magnesium codoping on emission decay in Ce-doped multicomponent garnet scintillators. J. Mater. Chem. C Early Acc. (2023).
  8. Gorbenko, V; Zorenko, T; Shakhno, A; Popielarski, P; Osvet, A; Batentschuk, M; Fedorov, A; Mahlik, S; Lesniewski, T; Majewska, N; Zoren: Single Crystalline Films of Ce3+-Doped Y3MgxSiyAl5-x-yO12 Garnets: Crystallization, Optical, and Photocurrent Properties. Materials 16 5 (2023), p.AN 1869.
  9. Paterek, J; Bohacek, P; Trunda, B; Babin, V; Svejkar, R; Jurek, K; Rohlicek, J; Nikl, M: Ho3+ codoping of GGAG:Ce: a detailed analysis of acceleration of scintillation response and scintillation efficiency loss. RSC Adv. 14 32 (2024), p.23129-23138.

Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M.: Overview of S(T)EM electron detectors with garnet scintillators: Some potentials and limits. Microsc. Res. Tech. 84 4 (2021), p.753-770. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Fodchuk, I; Kotsyubynsky, A; Velychkovych, A; Hutsuliak, I; Boychuk, V; Kotsyubynsky, V; Ropyak, L: The Effect of Ne+ Ion Implantation on the Crystal, Magnetic, and Domain Structures of Yttrium Iron Garnet Films. Crystals 12 10 (2022), p.AN 1485.
  2. Witkiewicz-Lukaszek, S; Gorbenko, V; Zorenko, T; Syrotych, Y; Mares, JA; Nikl, M; Sidletskiy, O; Bilski, P; Yoshikawa, A; Zorenko, Y: Composite Detectors Based on Single-Crystalline Films and Single Crystals of Garnet Compounds. Materials 15 3 (2022), p.AN 1249.
  3. Schauer, P: Comparison of photon transport efficiency in simple scintillation electron detector configurations for scanning electron microscope. Microsc. Res. Tech. 85 5 (2022), p.1870-1883.
  4. Inkrataite, G; Keil, JN; Zarkov, A; Justel, T; Skaudzius, R: The effect of boron and scandium doping on the luminescence of LuAG:Ce and GdAG:Ce for application as scintillators. J. Alloy. Compd. 966 (2023), p.AN 171634.
  5. Syrotych, Y; Witkiewich-Lukaszek, S; Gorbenko, V; Zorenko, T; Kucerkova, R; Mares, JA; Nikl, M; Sidletskiy, O; Kamada, K; Yoshikawa, A: New types of composite scintillators based on the single crystalline films and crystals of Gd3Al5-xGaxO12: Ce garnets. Optical Materials: X 17 (2023), p.100227.
  6. Gorbenko, V; Zorenko, T; Shakhno, A; Popielarski, P; Osvet, A; Batentschuk, M; Fedorov, A; Mahlik, S; Lesniewski, T; Majewska, N; Zoren: Single Crystalline Films of Ce3+-Doped Y3MgxSiyAl5-x-yO12 Garnets: Crystallization, Optical, and Photocurrent Properties. Materials 16 5 (2023), p.AN 1869.
  7. NOVÉ! Inkrataite, G; Keil, JN; Kizalaite, A; Justel, T; Skaudzius, R: Synthesis of praseodymium doped lutetium and gadolinium aluminum garnets modified by scandium and boron to improve luminescence properties. Ceram. Int., Part. A 50/A 21 (2024), p.41879-41891.
  8. Witkiewicz-Lukaszek, S; Gorbenko, V; Zorenko, T; Pejchal, J; Mares, JA; Kucerkova, R; Beitlerova, A; Nikl, M; Sidletskiy, O; Winiecki,: Three-Layered Composite Scintillator Based on the Epitaxial Structures of YAG and LuAG Garnets Doped with Ce3+ and Sc3+ Impurities. Materials 17 16 (2024), p.AN 4025.

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  1. Nasution, MKM; Syah, R; Elveny, M: Nanotechnology on Perspective Computer Science. in Software Engineering Application in Systems Design, Proceedings of the Computational Methods in Systems and Software 2022 (2023), p.418-429.
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Celkem: 874 citací mých časopiseckých prací

Poznámka: Uvedený seznam není a ani nemůže být vyčerpávající.


Citovaná práce je vždy uvedena zeleným písmem.

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Autrata R., Schauer P., Kvapil Jos., Kvapil Ji.: A single crystal of Y3Al5O12:Ce3+ as a scintillator in SEM and transparent screen in electron optical devices. 10th. International Congress on Electron Microscopy, Vol. I, Hamburg, (1982), p.451. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
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Autrata R., Schauer P., Kvapil Ji., Kvapil Jos.: Single-crystal electron detectors. 8th. European Congress on Electron Microscopy, Vol. I, Budapest, (1984), p.617. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Berger, SD; McMullan, D: Parallel Recording for an Electron Spectrometer on a Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope. Ultramicroscopy 28 (1989), p.122.
  2. Autrata, R: Backscattered Electron Imaging Using Single Crystal Scintillator Detectors. Scanning Microsc. 3 3 (1989), p.739.

Schauer P., Autrata R.: Influence of single crystal yttrium aluminates surfaces on their cathodoluminescent properties. 7th. Czechoslovak conference on electronics and vacuum physics, Vol. 1, Bratislava, (1985), p.265. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Autrata, R: Backscattered Electron Imaging Using Single Crystal Scintillator Detectors. Scanning Microsc. 3 3 (1989), p.739.

Hibino M., Irie K., Autrata R., Schauer P.: YAG single crystals for scintillators of STEM. XIIth International Congress for Electron Microscopy, San Francisco, (1990), p.166. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Faruqi, AR; Andrews, HN; Raeburn, C: A large-area cooled-ccd detector for electron-microscopy. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. 348 2-3 (1994), p.659-663.
  2. Kirkland, EJ; Thomas, MG: A high efficiency annular dark field detector for STEM. Ultramicroscopy 62 1-2 (1996), p.79-88.

Schauer P., Autrata R.: Coatings of Single Crystal Scintillators for Electron Detectors in SEM. 10th European Congress on Electron Microscopy, Vol. I, Granada, Spain, (Sept 1992), p.107. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Autrata, R; Schauer, P: Cathodoluminescent properties of single crystal materials for electron microscopy. Scanning Microscopy (Supplement) 9 (1995), p.1-12.
  2. Novak, L; Mullerova, I: Single electron response of the scintillator-light guide-photomultiplier detector. J. Microsc.-Oxf. 233 1 (2009), p.76-83.
  3. Novak, L: Methods for quantification of detection channel for secondary electrons in scanning electron microscope. PhD Thesis, Masaryk University, Brno (2011).
  4. Schauer, P: Optimization of decay kinetics of YAG:Ce single crystal scintillators for S(T)EM electron detectors. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B-Beam Interact. Mater. Atoms 269 21 (2011), p.2572-2577.
  5. Schauer, P; Bok, J: Study of spatial resolution of YAG:Ce cathodoluminescent imaging screens. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B-Beam Interact. Mater. Atoms 308 (2013), p.68-73.

Autrata R., Schauer P.: Collection of Low-Energy Signal Electrons in the Rotationally Symmetric Electrostatic Field of a Detector. Three Countries' EM Conference, BEDO 1993, Zurich, Switzerland, (Sept 1993). Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Reimer, L: Electron Detectors and Spectrometers. in: Scanning Electron Microscopy - Physics of Image Formation and Microanalysis, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 1998 Chapter 5 (1998), p.171-205.

Schauer P., Autrata R.: Efficiency of SEM/STEM Scintillation Electron Detectors with Edge Guided Signal. Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy, Parma, Italy, (Sept 1993), p.357-358. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Frank, L; Mullerova, I; Delong, A: Microscopy with Slow-Electrons. Czech J Phys 44 3 (1994), p.195-238.
  2. Frank, L; Mullerova, I: Diffraction contrast in cathode lens equipped Low-Energy SEM. Proc. 11th European Congress on Microscopy - EUREM 11, Dublin, Ireland, 1996 (1996).
  3. Autrata, R; Schauer, P; Madea, D: Single crystal scintillators for BSE detectors in SEM. EUREM-11, the Eleventh European Congress on Electron Microscopy (Edited and Published by the CESM, Brussels 1998), Dublin, Ireland 1 467 (1996).
  4. Schauer, P; Autrata, R: Computer optimized design of BSE scintillation detector for SEM. EUREM-11, the Eleventh European Congress on Electron Microscopy (Edited and Published by the CESM, Brussels 1998), Dublin, Ireland (1996), p.369-370.
  5. Zeidler, D; Kemen, T: Particle beam system. US Patent 8,598,525 (2013).

Schauer, P.; Autrata, R.: Time Response of Single Crystal Scintillation Detectors for SEM/STEM. 13th International Congress on Electron Microscopy (ICEM 13), Vol. I, Paris, France, (July 1994), p.227-228. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Zuo, JM: Electron detection characteristics of slow-scan CCD camera. Ultramicroscopy 66 1-2 (1996), p.21-33.
  2. Reimer, L: Electron Detectors and Spectrometers. in: Scanning Electron Microscopy - Physics of Image Formation and Microanalysis, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 1998 Chapter 5 (1998), p.171-205.

Autrata, R.; Schauer, P.: Behaviour of Planar and Annular YAG Single Crystal Detectors for LVSEM Operation. 13th International Congress on Electron Microscopy (ICEM 13), Vol. I, Paris, France, (July 1994), p.71-72. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Mullerova, I; Frank, L: Scanning low-energy electron microscopy. Advances In Imaging And Electron Physics, Vol 128; ADVANCES IN IMAGING AND ELECTRON PHYSICS 128 (2003), p.309-443.
  2. Vedrenne, N; Hug, G; Fleury, B: Optimisation of a high resolution highly sensitive detector for fast electrons. Proc. 13th European Microscopy Congress - EMC 2004, Antwerp, Belgium (2004), p.IM02.P02.

Schauer, P.; Autrata, R.: Some Methods for Investigation of Detector Components for Electron Microscopy. 5th Seminar of Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation, Brno, Czech Republic, (June 1996), p.47-50. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Horak, P: Study of Degradability and Metastability in Organo-Silicon Materials (Studium degradability a metastability v organo-kremikovych materialech). PhD Thesis, Brno Technology University, Czech Republic (2007).
  2. Hejna, J: Detektory elektronow w elektronowych mikroskopach skaningowych wysoko prozniowych. Prace Naukowe Instytutu Materia?éoznawstwa i Mechaniki Technicznej Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Monografie 66 27 (2010), p.3-215.
  3. Novak, L: Methods for quantification of detection channel for secondary electrons in scanning electron microscope. PhD Thesis, Masaryk University, Brno (2011).

Schauer, P.; Autrata, R.: Computer Designed Scintillation Detectors for SEM. 5th Seminar of Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation, Brno, Czech Republic, (June 1996), p.73-74. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Hejna, J: Detektory elektronow w elektronowych mikroskopach skaningowych wysoko prozniowych. Prace Naukowe Instytutu Materia?éoznawstwa i Mechaniki Technicznej Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Monografie 66 27 (2010), p.3-215.

Schauer, P.; Autrata, R.: Computer optimized design of BSE scintillation detector for SEM. EUREM-11, the Eleventh European Congress on Electron Microscopy (Edited and Published by the CESM, Brussels 1998), Vol. 1, Dublin, Ireland, (Aug 1996), p.369. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Frank, L; Mullerova, I: Strategies for low- and very-low-energy SEM. J Electron Microsc 48 3 (1999), p.205-219.
  2. Mullerova, I; Frank, L: Scanning low-energy electron microscopy. Advances In Imaging And Electron Physics, Vol 128; ADVANCES IN IMAGING AND ELECTRON PHYSICS 128 (2003), p.309-443.

Schauer, P.; Autrata, R.: Cathodoluminescent Properties of Single Crystals for S(T)EM Detectors. 6th Inter. Seminar on Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation, Skalský Dvůr (Brno), (Jun 1998), p.60-63. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Hejna, J: Detektory elektronow w elektronowych mikroskopach skaningowych wysoko prozniowych. Prace Naukowe Instytutu Materia?éoznawstwa i Mechaniki Technicznej Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Monografie 66 27 (2010), p.3-215.

Schauer, P.; Autrata, R.: Performance of YAG:Ce Single Crystal Screens for TEM. 14th International Congress on Electron Microscopy (ICEM 14), Vol. 1, Cancun, Mexico, (Aug 1998), p.633-634. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Schauer, P; Autrata, R: Study of TEM fluorescent screens. 4th Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy, Veszprem Hungary (1999), p.167-168.
  2. Schauer, P; Autrata, R: Performance of detector elements for electron microscopes. 12th European Congress on Electron Microscopy, Brno, Czech Republic 3 I (2000), p.455-458.
  3. Schauer, P; Vlcek, I; Autrata, R: Improved Recording System for the Study of Single Crystal Imaging Screens. 5th Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy, Lecce, Italy Proc (2001), p.533-534.
  4. Bauer, E: Instrumentation. in: Surface Microscopy with Low Energy Electrons, Springer, New York, NY, 2014 Chapter 3 (2014), p.89-188.
  5. Baturin, SS; Baryshev, SV: Electron emission projection imager. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 88 3 (2017), p.AN 033701.
  6. Schweizer, P: Manipulation of individual defects in 2D and layered materials. PhD Thesis, der Technischen Fakultät, der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg (2019).

Autrata, R.; Schauer, P.: Single Crystal Scintillation Detectors for LVSEM. 14th International Congress on Electron Microscopy (ICEM 14), Vol. 1, Cancun, Mexico, (Aug 1998), p.437-438. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Autrata, R; Jirák, J: Scanning electron microscopy at low vacuum in specimen chamber. EUREM 12 - 12th European Congress on Electron Microscopy, Brno, Czech Republic I I 211 (2000).
  2. Autrata, R; Schauer, P; Jirak, J: Detection of backscattered electrons for biological specimens study. 5th Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy, Lecce, Italy (2001), p.519-520.
  3. Mullerova, I; El-Gomati, MM; Frank, L: Imaging of the boron doping in silicon using low energy SEM. Ultramicroscopy 93 3-4 (2002), p.223-243.
  4. Mullerova, I; Frank, L: Scanning low-energy electron microscopy. Advances In Imaging And Electron Physics, Vol 128; ADVANCES IN IMAGING AND ELECTRON PHYSICS 128 (2003), p.309-443.
  5. Mullerova, I; Frank, L: Contrast at very low energies of the gold/carbon specimen for resolution testing. Scanning 26 1 (2004), p.18-24.
  6. Autrata, R; Schauer, P: Nanoresolution BSE images created using a new type of YAG II scintillator. EMC 2004 - 13th European Microscopy Congress, Antwerp, Belgium I 75-76 (2004).
  7. Zeidler, D; Kemen, T: Particle beam system. US Patent 8,598,525 (2013).

Schauer, P.; Autrata, R.: Performance of Detector Elements for Electron Microscopes. 12th European Congress on Electron Microscopy, Vol. 3, Brno, Czech Republic, (Jul 2000), p.I 455. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Hejna, J: Detektory elektronow w elektronowych mikroskopach skaningowych wysoko prozniowych. Prace Naukowe Instytutu Materia?éoznawstwa i Mechaniki Technicznej Politechniki Wroclawskiej. Monografie 66 27 (2010), p.3-215.

Schauer, P.; Vlcek, I.; Autrata, R.: Improved Recording System for the Study of Single Crystal Imaging Screens. 5th Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy, Lecce, Italy, (Sep 2001), p.533-534. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Schauer, P; Autrata, R: Experimental and simulative methods for scintillation detector optimization. 9th Inter. Seminar on Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation, Skalsky Dvur (Brno) (2004), p.67-68.

Autrata, R.; Schauer, P.; Jirak, J.: Detection of backscattered electrons for biological speciments study. 5th Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy, Lecce, Italy, (Sep 2001), p.519-520. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Nedela, V; Hrib, J; Havel, L; Hudec, J; Runstuk, J: Imaging of Norway spruce early somatic embryos with the ESEM, Cryo-SEM and laser scanning microscope. Micron 84 (2016), p.67-71.

Schauer, P.; Autrata, R.: Experimental Setup for Cathodoluminescence Spectra Measurement. 15th International Congress on Electron Microscopy (ICEM 15), Vol. 3, Durban, South Africa, (Sep 2002), p.337-338. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Schauer, P; Autrata, R: Cathodoluminescence Spectra Measurement. 7th Inter. Seminar on Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation, Skalsky Dvur (Brno) Proc (2002), p.67-70.
  2. Schauer, P; Nespurek, S; Schauer, F; Autrata, R: Electron beam degradation study of silicon polymers. 6th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, Pula, Croatia (2003), p.205-206.
  3. Schauer, P; Nespurek, S; Schauer, F; Autrata, R: Cathodoluminescence study of silicon polymers. Fine Mechanics and Optics (Jemna mechanika a optika) 48 (2003), p.156-157.
  4. Schauer, P; Autrata, R: Experimental and simulative methods for scintillation detector optimization. 9th Inter. Seminar on Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation, Skalsky Dvur (Brno) (2004), p.67-68.
  5. Bok, J: Cathodoluminescence kinetics of scintillators and resists for e-beam devices (Kinetika katodoluminiscence scintilatoru a rezistu pro pristroje s elektronovym svazkem). Master Thesis, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic (2010).

Autrata, R.; Schauer, P.: New Fast and Efficient YAP Scintillator for the Detection i SEM. 15th International Congress on Electron Microscopy (ICEM 15), Vol. 3, Durban, South Africa, (Sep 2002), p.347-348. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Novak, L; Mullerova, I: Single electron response of the scintillator-light guide-photomultiplier detector. J. Microsc.-Oxf. 233 1 (2009), p.76-83.
  2. Novak, L: Methods for quantification of detection channel for secondary electrons in scanning electron microscope. PhD Thesis, Masaryk University, Brno (2011).

Schauer, P.; Autrata, R.: Cathodoluminescence Spectra Measurement. 8th Inter. Seminar on Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation, Skalský Dvůr (Brno), (Jul 2002), p.67-70. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Horak, P; Schauer, P: Cathodoluminescence of polysilanes. 9th Inter. Seminar on Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation, Skalsky Dvur (Brno) (2004), p.31-32.

Schauer, P.; Nespurek, S.; Schauer, F.; Autrata, R.: Optimization of Poly-(Methylphenylsilylene) Specimens for Cathodoluminescence Measurement. 31st Microscopy Conference - International Forum for Advanced Microscopy, Dresden, Germany, (Sept 2003), p.156-157. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Horak, P; Schauer, P: Degradation of Poly [methyl (phenyl) silylene] cathodoluminescence. 2nd European Weathering Symposium - Natural and Artificial Ageing of Polymers, Gothenburg, Sweden (2005), p.311-319.
  2. Horak, P; Schauer, P: Cathodoluminescence as a method for the study of degradation of polysilanes. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B-Beam Interact. Mater. Atoms 252 2 (2006), p.303-307.
  3. Horak, P: Study of Degradability and Metastability in Organo-Silicon Materials (Studium degradability a metastability v organo-kremikovych materialech). PhD Thesis, Brno Technology University, Czech Republic (2007).

Schauer, P.; Autrata, R.: Optimization of scintillation detector for SEM. EMC 2004 - 13th European Microscopy Congress, Vol. I, Antwerp, Belgium, (Aug 2004), p.69-70. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Schauer, P: Decay Time Optimization of YAG:Ce Scintillator for S(T)EM Electron Detector. IMC 16 - 16th International Microscopy Congress, Sapporo, Japan 2 665 (2006).
  2. Szilagyi, JM: Extreme ultraviolet spectral streak camera. Masteers Thesis, University of Central Florida (2010).
  3. Schauer, P: Optimization of decay kinetics of YAG:Ce single crystal scintillators for S(T)EM electron detectors. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B-Beam Interact. Mater. Atoms 269 21 (2011), p.2572-2577.

Autrata, R.; Schauer, P.: Nanoresolution BSE images created using a new type of YAG II scintillator. EMC 2004 - 13th European Microscopy Congress, Vol. I, Antwerp, Belgium, (Aug 2004), p.75-76. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Wandrol, P; Roubalikova, L; Autrata, R: Imaging of Tooth Surface Using the Different Detection Modes in SEM. Proc. 7th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, Portoroz, Slovenia (2005), p.489-490.
  2. Wandrol, P; Autrata, R: Detection of Low Energy Backscattered Electrons in SEM. Proc. Dreilandertagung Microscopy Conference 2005, Davos, Switzerland (2005), p.61-62.
  3. Wandrol, P; Matejkova, J; Autrata, R: SEM Observation of Multilayer Semiconductor Structures Using Different Detection Modes. Proc. Dreilandertagung Microscopy Conference 2005, Davos, Switzerland (2005), p.338-339.

Schauer, P.; Autrata, R.: Monte Carlo Simulation Code for Photon Collection in S(T)EM Scintillation Detectors. 7th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, Portoroz, Slovenia, (June 2005), p.199-200. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Horak, P: Study of Degradability and Metastability in Organo-Silicon Materials (Studium degradability a metastability v organo-kremikovych materialech). PhD Thesis, Brno Technology University, Czech Republic (2007).

Schauer, P.; Autrata, R.: Extended Algorithm for Optimization of Photon Transport in Scintillation Detector. Dreiländertagung Microscopy Conference 2005, Davos, Switzerland, (Aug 2005), p.55. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Schauer, P: Decay Time Optimization of YAG:Ce Scintillator for S(T)EM Electron Detector. IMC 16 - 16th International Microscopy Congress, Sapporo, Japan 2 665 (2006).

Horák, P.; Schauer, P.: Degradation of Poly[methyl(phenyl)silylene] cathodoluminescence. 2nd European Weathering Symposium - Natural and Artificial Ageing of Polymers, Gothenburg, Sweden, (June 2005), p.311-319. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Sula, P: Characterization of poly (phenylmethylsilylene) by selected thermal analysis methods (Charakterizácia poly(fenylmetylsilylénu) vybranymi metódami termickej analyzy). Master Thesis, Tomas Bata University, Zlin, Czech Republic (2012).

Horák, P.; Schauer, P.: Analysis of electron beam degraded poly[methyl(phenyl)silylene]. 8th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, Prague, Czech Rep., (June 2007), p.257-258. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Sula, P: Characterization of poly (phenylmethylsilylene) by selected thermal analysis methods (Charakterizácia poly(fenylmetylsilylénu) vybranymi metódami termickej analyzy). Master Thesis, Tomas Bata University, Zlin, Czech Republic (2012).

Bok, J.; Schauer, P.: Quality assessment of scintillation detector in SEM using MTF. 13th Inter. Seminar on Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation, Skalský Dvůr (Brno), (June 2012), p.9-10. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Bok, J; Schauer, P: Mechanism of electron-photon conversion in YAG:Ce scintillator for SEM electron detectors. MC 2013 - Microscopy Conference 2013, Regensburg, Germany 121-122 (2013).

Kucera, M.; Onderisinova, Z.; Hanus, M.; Prusa, P.; Bok, J.; Schauer, P.; Lalinsky, O.; Nikl, M.: Improved scintillation response of Ce doped GGAG garnet films: A pathway to high LY materials. SCINT 2015 - 13th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications, Berkeley, USA, (June 2015), p.O14-1. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Onderisinova, Z; Kucera, M; Hanus, M; Lalinsky, O; Bok, J; Schauer, P; Nikl, M: Cathodoluminescence decay kinetics of Ce3+ doped LuAG:GdGa multicomponent garnets. SCINT 2015 - 13th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications, Berkeley, USA Proc (2015), p.O5-6.

Onderisinova, Z.; Kucera, M.; Hanus, M.; Lalinsky, O.; Bok, J.; Schauer, P.; Nikl, M.: Cathodoluminescence decay kinetics of Ce3+ doped LuAG:GdGa multicomponent garnets. SCINT 2015 - 13th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications, Berkeley, USA, (June 2015), p.O5-6. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Kucera, M; Onderisinova, Z; Hanus, M; Prusa, P; Bok, J; Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Nikl, M: Improved scintillation response of Ce doped GGAG garnet films: A pathway to high LY materials. SCINT 2015 - 13th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications, Berkeley, USA Proc (2015), p.O14-1.

Schauer, P.; Lalinsky, O.; Lucenicova, Z.; Kucera, M.: Multicomponent garnet film scintillators for SEM electron detectors, doi: 10.1002/9783527808465.EMC2016.5236. EMC 2016 -The 16th European Microscopy Congress, Lyon, France, (Aug 2016), p.IM03-232. Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
  1. Schauer, P; Lalinsky, O; Kucera, M; Lucenicova, Z; Hanus, M: Effect of Mg co-doping on cathodoluminescence properties of LuGAGG:Ce single crystalline garnet films. Opt. Mater. 72 (2017), p.359-366.
  2. McDonald, KA; Schweitzer, GK: Synthesis of GAGG: Ce3+ powder for ceramics using mechanochemical and solution combustion methods. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 101 9 (2018), p.3837-3749.

Celkem: 74 citací mých prací ve sbornících.

Poznámka: Uvedený seznam není a ani nemůže být vyčerpávající.


Především pokud je citováno nepřesně, nebo je citován jiný zdroj než časopis či sborník.

Citace, které neuvádějí přesný zdroj mých prací: . Práce, které uvádějí citaci:
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Celkem: 22 citací, které neuvádějí přesný zdroj mých prací.

Poznámka: Uvedený seznam není a ani nemůže být vyčerpávající.

Celkem všech citací: 970.


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