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The death toll in China from heavy rain and flooding triggered by Tropical Storm Bilis, has risen to 228. Bilis swept into China last Friday, bringing torrential rain and flooding to several provinces in southern, eastern and central parts of the country. 21.7.2006
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Torrential rains continued Thursday, hampering efforts to rescue eight missing people and pushing the number of dead in mudslides and flash floods from 10 to 12, police 21.7.2006
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It s not easy sleeping through the nights in Beirut these days and last night was especially ugly. Between 3 and 6 am the Israelis unleashed a torrent of rockets and missiles down onto Beirut s ... 19.7.2006
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Torrential rainfall left some 100 North Koreans dead and more than 9,000 suffering significant damages. Downpours also inundated farmlands, which is expected to further aggravate food shortages. 19.7.2006
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Lewisův nadčasový příběh vypráví o dobrodružných činech čtyř sourozenců Pevensieových -- Lucince, Edmundovi, Zuzaně a Petrovi, kteří jsou během Druhé světové války v Anglii přemístěni kvůli bezpečnosti na venkov. Ve starobylém domě postaršího prosfes... 18.7.2006
China s death toll from tropical storm Bilis rose Monday to at least 164, with 138 people missing, as torrential rains swept away houses and set off mudslides, state television reported. 18.7.2006
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Floods fed by torrential rains were retreating in south China on Tuesday after claiming at least 188 lives, officials said, as people coped with water shortages, ruined roads and other damage. 18.7.2006
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BEIJING (AP) - The death toll in southern China from tropical storm Bilis has jumped by 10 to 188 after torrential rains swept away houses and triggered devastating 18.7.2006
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At least 178 people in China are dead in the wake of tropical storm Bilis while another 138 people are reported missing. Torrential rains swept away houses and set off mudslides in Hunan province, where at least 92 people were killed. 17.7.2006
LANDSLIDES triggered by torrential rain killed seven people and injured two in Pubei County in south China s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region by yesterday afternoon. 17.7.2006
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AT least 150 people have died in flooding in southern China caused by the tropical storm Bilis. Torrential rain hit the area in the wake of the storm, bringing floods and landslides and forcing millions to flee their homes. 17.7.2006
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Flooding brought on by torrential rains has killed at least 164 people across southern China over the weekend. The rains were triggered by Tropical Storm Bilis, which killed dozens in the Philippines and Taiwan before hitting China on Friday. 17.7.2006
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17.2006, 05:05 AM. China s death toll from Tropical Storm Bilis rose to at least 178 Monday, with 138 people missing, as torrential rains swept away houses and set off mudslides. 17.7.2006
Floods following torrential rains have killed at least 164 people across south China.Major cities were hit by the floods sweeping away houses and cutting off a main rail link, state media has reported. 17.7.2006
Beijing - Torrential rainstorms and flooding unleashed by Typhoon Bilis killed at least 115 people across south-east China, the official Xinhua news agency reported on 17.7.2006
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The Chinese Government says torrential rainstorms and flooding unleashed by tropical storm Bilis have killed at least 97 people across south-east China. 17.7.2006
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South Korea has issued a national crisis warning as torrential rain causes flooding in parts of the country, killing 10 people and leaving 17 missing and presumed dead. 16.7.2006
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