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P2P sítě BitTorrent 2006-2011 - archív monitorování českého internetu z období 2006 až únor 2012
Na této stránce je archív monitorování článků především z českého internetu (částečně anglicky) o P2P sítích BitTorrent.
Další články o P2P sítích BitTorrent najdete v příslušných archívech z let letos, 2022,
Nejaktuálnějších 100 článků o P2P sítích BitTorrent najdete na stránce on-line odkazů.
Články o P2P sítích BitTorrent monitorované od 8.3.2006 do 16.2.2012.
11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) - oblíbená a uživatelsky příjemná linuxová distribuce pro různé platformy Torrent (české stránky, open-source) Download CD: ISO-32bit (695MB) Torrent 18.10.2011
| Piaty štúdiový album britskej skupiny Coldplay unikol týždeň pred jeho vydaním na internet. Nahrávka Mylo Xyloto sa v súčasnosti dá stiahnuť prostredníctvom torrent súboru či ako ... 17.10.2011
| Torrential rain and flooding in Central America has left over 60 people dead and authorities are warning the situation could get worse. Evacuations are under way amid forecasts of more rain. 17.10.2011
| Pokračujeme v překládání reportáží Torrentfreaku z odvolacího procesu se zakladateli portálu The Pirate Bay. Soud zveřejníverdikt až 26. listopadu, čehož využijeme a již proběhlá jednání budeme přibližovat postupně. Dnes je na řadě pátý den zasedání soud 15.10.2011
| Mightee sends in this excerpt from TorrentFreak: The Stockholm District Court sentence against Pirate Bay founder Gottfrid Svartholm was finalized today after he failed to appear at the Court of Appeal. Svartholm, also known as Anakata online, did not ap 14.10.2011
| Na serverech se objevila nová verze distribuce Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot, o které jste si mohli přečíst v dnešním článku. Pokud budete stahovat, použijte české zrcadlo, které nabízí všechny potřebné instalači obrazy, torrent soubory nebo soubor... 13.10.2011
| Python module that implements the TransmissionBitTorrent client RPC protocol. 12.10.2011
| Firma Tranz-Send Broadcasting Network stáhla žalobu na BitTorrent Inc. Ta byla podaná v lednu tohoto roku a týkala se patentu 7301744B1. Patent popisuje přenos souborů pomocí databáze souborů,distribučního serveru a přenosového klienta. Popis... 11.10.2011
| Weboob is a project that provides several applications (console or graphical) to interact with a lot of Web sites. There are more than 40 supported Web sites and 20 applications to view bank accounts, drag on dating websites, search and play videos, displaythe weather, read news, show train timelines, get torrents on trackers, edit awiki, listen to radio, view and download image galleries, and perform other useful tasks. 11.10.2011
| Vyšla nová verze BitTorrent klienta Transmission 2.40 a chvíli po ní také 2.41 s jednou opravou pro Mac OS X. Mezi novinkami najdeme řazení torrentů do fronty, podporu pro webseed (sdílení přes HTTP nebo FTP), podporu pro GTK+ 3, možnost smazání... 11.10.2011
| Rescuers uncovered more corpses buried under mountains of mud and wrecked homes Friday as the death toll from torrential rains and massive flooding topped 500, Brazil's deadliest natural disaster in four decades. 10.10.2011
| Would you pay for uTorrent if it came with exclusive features? That's the unexpected question makers of the lightweight cult-favorite torrent manager are getting ready to ask. 10.10.2011
| The paid upgrade version of one of the most popular torrent clients, µTorrent Plus debuts in a semi-closed, limited alpha version, with invites for CNET readers. 7.10.2011
| Multiplatformní BitTorrent klient (Freeware) 5.10.2011
| Na torrentoch je dostupná Fedora 16 beta (Verne). Z noviniek možno spomenúť GRUB2, KDE 4.7, GNOME 3.2, pamäťovo nenáročnejší Chrony NTP client, Perl 5.14, odstránenie Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL), návrat ku XENu a ďalšie. 4.10.2011
| 3.10.2011
Add sliding frames for all torrent sites in torrentz! 3.10.2011
| Titulky - Anime Anime torrent - 2.10.2011
| A minimal, pure-python BitTorrent client 30.9.2011
| Chief executive Eric Klinker has talked up his company's new Micro Transport Protocol, which he says can boost network efficiency and reduce congestion(ZDNet UK - 28.9.2011
The company's Micro Transport Protocol uses networks more efficiently, CEO Eric Klinker tells network operators, therebylowering their costs. 27.9.2011
| Tens of thousands of people are displaced byfloods in India even as torrential lashes Uttar Pradesh, Orissa and Bihar states. 26.9.2011
| Licence: GNU GPLKlient decentralizované sítě BitTorrent vytvořený v jazyce Java. 25.9.2011
| Elixir 2 prozradí vše o vašem telefonu, Minus pomůže rozšířit paměť telefonu, představíme si torrent klient a aplikaci pro placení parkovného pomocí SMS. 25.9.2011
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| lftp is a sophisticatedcommand line based file transfer program. Supported protocols include FTP, HTTP, SFTP, and FISH. It has a multithreaded design allowing you to issue and execute multiple commands simultaneously or in the background. It also features mirroring capabilities and will reconnect and continue transfers in the event of adisconnection. Also, if you quit the program while transfers are still in progress, it will switch to nohup mode and finish the transfers in the background. Additional protocols supported: FTP over HTTP proxy, HTTPS and FTP over SSL, BitTorrent protocol. IPv6 is fully supported. There are lots of tunable parameters, including rate limitation, number of connections limitation and more. 24.9.2011
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| Populárny minimalistický torrentový klient µTorrent pre zdieľanie dat cez p2p siete získalv poslednej alpha verzií podporu pre Android zariadenia. V rámci nej môžte jednoducho (Drag and Drop) kopírovať data stiahnuté µTorrentom do svojho telefónu alebo t 23.9.2011
| Výkonný klient pro stahování a P2P sdílení souborů, s podporou BitTorrent, HTTP a FTP. Podporuje simultánní stahování, fronty, rychlé navázání na nedokončený přenos, chat,rychlostní limity, mapování portů, proxy servery, IP filtry, zobrazení náhledustah 23.9.2011
| BitTorrent is a great protocol for transferring files and uTorrent is one of the best 23.9.2011
| 23.9.2011
| An aluminum firm whose plant caused a torrent of red toxic sludge to ravage the ... 22.9.2011
| dans le torrent d'éloges et de superlatifs clichés auquel il est difficile de couper quand on parle d'un roman pareil (« saga ? la Tolsto? » parce que Franzen cite plusieurs fois 'Guerre et Paix', « grand roman américain », « chef-d'?uvre de la maturité » 22.9.2011
| (12,8 MB) - BitTorrent client založený na Jave (screenshots, WinAll-java, freeware) 22.9.2011
| Vuze (dříve Azureus) je výkonný bittorrent klient pro snadné sdílení a vyhledávání souborů vP2P sítích, postavený na platformě java. Poznámka: Vyžaduje instalaci prostředí JRE. 22.9.2011
| Medzi BitTorrent klientami posilňujú Transmission a Vuze 21.9.2011
| The popular file sharing web sites were compromised for a brief period of a few hours, with the links to the BitTorrent client replaced by a scareware (Security Shield) download. 19.9.2011
| The publisher of the uTorrent file-sharing program has admitted to suffering a major security breach that allowed attackers to substitute downloads of its client for malware pushing fake antivirus software. 19.9.2011
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| Transmission is a BitTorrent client which aims to be as efficient as possible. 19.9.2011
| A new torrent of complaints arrives when Reed Hastings tells customers just how deeply Netflix is splitting its DVD rental and streaming video services. 19.9.2011
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| Licence:FreewareStahování souborů ze sítě Torrent a jiných P2P sítí pro sdílení souborů. 17.9.2011
| More than two million people in Pakistan are suffering from flood-related diseases following torrential rain in Sindh province, officials say. 15.9.2011
| Kompromitované torrentové servery šířily falešné antiviry. Intel představil bezpečnostní software „pod“ operačním systémem. Rizika typosquattingu. Největší škodou při kybernetických útocích je ztráta času. Následuje pravidelný čtvrteční bezpečnostní přehl 15.9.2011
| Popular P2P file sharingcompany said its systems were breached Tuesday, enabling an attacker to replace its uTorrent client download with scareware. 14.9.2011
| First, a disclaimer: the program Sickbeard was created for the purpose of pirating television shows from Usenet and torrent sites. I don't condone piracy of any sort, but Sickbeard has some amazing other features that make it worth mentioning. 14.9.2011
| BitTorrent has reported a hack on the uTorrent site that saw the executable file for the uTorrent desktop client program replaced with a scareware program(ZDNet UK - 14.9.2011
Návštěvníci místo SW pro stahování získávali malware (falešnýantivir Security Shield). Jednalo se celkem cca. o dvě hodiny, kdy to takto fungovalo. 14.9.2011
| Ubuntu Cloud Portal: Armed with Ensemble I can very simply launch an EC2 instance, install rtorrent (my fav cli torrent client) and rtgui (rtorrent Web UI) and have it ready to crunch on any of your torrenting needs. 14.9.2011
The host Web site for the popular torrent program uTorrent was hacked early on Tuesday, but site owner BitTorrent, Inc., says that only a limited number of people were affected. 14.9.2011
| CPC (Continuation Passing C) is a programming language designed for writing concurrent systems. The CPC programmer manipulates very lightweight threads, choosing whether they should be cooperatively or preemptively scheduledat any given point; the CPC program is then processed by the CPC translator, which produces highly efficient event-loop code. This approach gives the best both worlds: the relative convenience of programming with threads, and the low memory usage of event-loop code. The semantics of CPC is defined as a source-to-source translation from CPC into plain C using a technique known as conversion into Continuation Passing Style. The current implementation of CPC has been usedto write Hekate, a BitTorrent seeder designed to handle millions of simultaneous torrents and tens of thousands of simultaneously connected peers. 14.9.2011
| 13.9.2011
| schwit1 writes with a piece in Torrent Freak about ongoing litigation between Hotlocker and a few movie studios. From the article: Hotfile has sued Warner Bros. for fraud and abuse. Hotfile accuses the movie studio of systematically abusing its anti-pira 13.9.2011
| Pakistan's commercial capital Karachi is paralysed by floods as heavy rain lashes southern Sindh province, bringing misery to millions in rural areas. 13.9.2011
| An anonymous reader writes I have a roommate that insists on using BitTorrent without taking any kind of precautions. He has an affinity for downloading material that is extremely popular and high-risk. He's received a warning from a well-known media gia 10.9.2011
| The torrential rain pouring down outside the Merchants Taylor’s Hall on Tuesday evening couldn’t dampen the excitement of the 300 guests attending the Lloyd’s 2011 City Dinner. 8.9.2011
| ideonexus snips thus from Wired: The Art 404 gallery is currently exhibiting a piece by Manuel Palou called '5 Million Dollars, 1 Terabyte' which is a 'sculpture' consisting of a 1 TB external hard drive containing $5,000,000 worth of illegally downloade 8.9.2011
| Licence: FreewareNástroj pro stahování a sdílení objemných souborů. 8.9.2011
| Licence: FreewareRychlý a výkonný BitTorrent klient pro sdílení a stahování souborů. 8.9.2011
| Here's a prototype that torrent freaks will be excited about, until they realize they'll be hard-pressed to get their hands on one (especially in the U.S.). Manufacturer Vestel has unveiled the... 7.9.2011
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| Twenty-seven people are reported killed and 51 missing after tropical storm Talas ripped through Japan over the past weekend. Talas reached the coast of Russia’s Primorye Territory on Monday, causing torrential rains and strong winds. width='1' height 5.9.2011
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| Turecký výrobce spotřebníelektroniky Vestel oznámil, že vydá první televizor s certifikací BitTorrent, která spotřebitelům umožní 5.9.2011
| Turecký výrobce televizorů Vestel oznámil, že vydá první TV s certifikací BitTorrent, kt 4.9.2011
| Freewarový torrent klient pro všechny, kdo se nebojí trochu si vytížit datový plán. S ohledem na omezení našich operátorů ale určitě nestahujte nic přespříliš velkého. Titul podporuje vícero rozpracovaných ... 4.9.2011
| Heslo k zašifrované databázi zveřejnil novinář z Guardian ve své knize (David Leigh: Inside Julian Assange´s War on Secrecy). Materiál obsahuje nezpracované kopie vícenež 100 000 depeší. Viz také komentář 2.9.2011
A bittorrent client written in C++ / Qt4 using the good libtorrent library 1.9.2011
| A torrent of leaked U.S. diplomatic cables obtained by the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks has been published in the last few days, with at least 170 of them naming sources whose identity was meant to be protected, according to an analysis of the documents b 31.8.2011
| daria42 writes A US diplomatic cable published by Wikileaks has revealed much of the previously hidden background behind the BitTorrent court case currently playing out in Australia's High Court, including the Motion Picture Association of America's prim 31.8.2011
| An anonymous reader writes The founders of The Pirate Bay, possibly the best-known BitTorrent tracking service in existence, are going legit with anew file-sharing site which they claim will adhere to all copyright rules and takedown requests. BayFiles, 30.8.2011
| Tropical Storm Irene lashed Windham County Tropical Storm Irene lashed Windham County with torrential rains Sunday, causing washouts and bridge closures and forcing the evacuation of dozens of residents from low lying areas.We offer a huge selection of 30.8.2011
| Umožňuje podle pravidel měnit množství odeslaných dat oznamovaných BitTorrent trackerům. Pravidla jsou vytvářena automaticky při zahájení stahování a mohou být vytvořena, upravena, nebo smazána ručně. Pravidla jsou založena na náhodných hodnotách vypočíta 29.8.2011
| 29.8.2011
| Search for most popular russian torrents. 29.8.2011
| At least 24 people have died after torrential rains triggered a landslide in eastern Uganda, Red Cross workers say. 29.8.2011
| shibashaba writes Mandriva 2011 is out. Look around for ISOs or click here if you already have Mandriva installed. [Or use the 32-bit torrent.] Mandriva may not be as popular as Ubuntu, but they came longbefore and had an easy to use (and powerful) desk 29.8.2011
| Hurricane Irene, which was downgraded by the U.S. forecasters to a tropical storm, is lashing New York City with wind gusts and torrential rains, CNN said, quoting emergency officials. 28.8.2011
| Strong winds from Hurricane Irene have begun to hit New York, bringing torrential rain and the threat of flooding inthe financial district. 28.8.2011
| Ferocious hurricane Irene battered New York with torrential rains and severe winds early on Sunday, reducing the city to a ghost town and causing massive power blackouts as it churned slowly northward along the East Coast, U.S. media said. width='1' h 28.8.2011
| Ferocious winds and torrential rainfall lashed coastal North Carolina early Saturday as major cities along the East Coast bracedfor the wrath of Hurricane Irene. 27.8.2011
| µTorrent status in my browser and single-click torrent submission 26.8.2011
| Včera bol oznámený release alfa verzie Fedora 16 (Verne). Z noviniekmožno spomenúť GRUB2, KDE 4.7, GNOME 3.1, pamäťovo nenáročnejší Chrony NTP client, odstránenie Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL), návrat ku XENu a ďalšie. Sťahovať môžete z torrentov aj z 24.8.2011
| An updated release of BackTrack 5, an Ubuntu-based distribution with specialist software designed for penetration testing, was announced (and released via BitTorrent) last week. Today direct downloads of ISO images are also possible. Here isa brief extra 24.8.2011
| Fox shows appear to be downloaded illegally from torrent sites at a higher rate after the company institutes an eight-daywaiting period before making new TV shows available online. 22.8.2011
| | | | | | Nalezeno celkem 8273 článků.
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